Conversations With Community: The Fortune Family

The Fortune Family first connected with North Helpline about a year ago after hearing about our Grocery Delivery program through other families in their community.

We’re able to provide families with a bi-weekly delivery of food essentials while tailoring our deliveries to meet the dietary needs of each family.


“Having the extra food from the food bank, especially the fruits and vegetables, helps keep our diabetes and hypertension under control,” says The Fortune Family.


Our Grocery Delivery program connects 240 families, like The Fortunes, with supplemental food each month to help counter the rising cost of groceries. For folks that cannot attend our in-person food banks, grocery delivery keeps food accessible in our community.

“My husband (66 years old), and I (60 years old), are both disabled due to health reasons. We have a disabled adult daughter and son who live with us,” they said.


Through partnering with North Helpline, The Fortune Family says they’ve been able to pay their rent, utilities, and phone bill on a fixed income.


When not enjoying a family meal, The Fortunes love music, baseball, and enjoying nature. 


Conversations With Community: Mary


Our New Food Access Director: Welcome Louren!