Bob Hathaway



Pronouns: He/Him

Bob has been part of North Helpline’s work for nearly 20 years. His work began when he learned that the organization was opening a food bank. With more than 40 years of experience in restaurant and hotel banquet services, he thought he could be of help as a volunteer, and soon transitioned to working in its food distribution.

As North Helpline prepared to move into a new building in Lake City, he made suggestions for the food bank’s design, layout and storage areas. 

Later, Bob took classes in bookkeeping and filled in when the organization’s previous bookkeeper took time off. So he was ready to step into that role in 2021 when there was an opening.

He said he feels a special connection to North Helpline and its food bank, in part because his mother relied on food banks when he was young. “They’re trying to help people out of a tough spot  — to give people a leg up.”